JUST a little about US! :-)

This is us!! (We just thought, you might wanna see the faces behind these writings!)

The phone person is Kanchia, and the one with the yellow top is Bidisha! 

Hello fella humans! This is us, Bidisha and Kanchita. We are 14-year-old indian teens from Assam. We made this website not only because we are interested in blogging and we are serious about it, but for obvious reasons, we did it to share more of our perspectives, interests, POVs , our views for this world and mostly positivity. 

I guess you might want to know a bit of who we are actually are.  So, u might be thinking we are sisters, well kinda we are, not by blood but ofcourse by heart!
We always wanted to do something which isn't really what people have always been doing since a while now!
We wanted to do something which is really different from all, and for obvious reasons again, something which ain't known as following a trend!  Again, we are sure , it's ain't gonna be an easy task but again it's not even impossible as well and hopefully we will get better and better by the days passing by!

Blogging on such a platform is difficult. One has to be very disciplined, organised, full of ideas and mostly have to be avoiding little errors, and lastly willing to learn something new every day.

So we will be writing every little thing on topics as our blog already suggests, everything from day to day lifestyle, productivity, mindfulness, and mostly books. We are also here to help those teens who are going through tough times due to '' depression '' and "severe anxiety" and maybe what not! We just hope whatever we write, helps them in even a little possible way! We want to spread as much positivity we can and hope that it's a great start to this little website that we both created. And hopefully, we end up well with the same, and ya'll like and appreciate our works too!๐Ÿ˜Š

I hope we will gain loyal readers who will enjoy our writings. Don't worry our writings won't be something that you have been always going through, and as boring as it sounds so far!

That's all that we wanted to say as an little intro and a start to this website!

Lets hope for the very best, and hopefully this website ends up well!

Ya'll can contact us at the following-

Our Emails-

Bidisha's email: patorbidisha12@gmail.com

Kanchita's email: kanchitadas00@gmail.com

Our business email: bidishakanchita@gmail.com

Follow us on:


   Tumblr: https://itsmebidisha.tumblr.com/

   Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/bidishapator/


      Tumblr: https://anaesthetictale.tumblr.com/

      Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/an_aesthetic_tale/

      YourQuote: https://www.yourquote.in/kanchita-das-bqun8/quotes

      Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanchitaDas

      Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/an_aesthetic_tale/

Thank you to such an amazing reader for sparing a minute of your quality time on our website๐Ÿ˜Š


  1. Replies
    1. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

  2. Ayee kanchita i appreciate ur hard work as well as bidisha's a lot, i haven't read yet but will whenever i feel like!๐Ÿ’ž I'm always proud of you kanchita๐Ÿ’œโœŒ๏ธ

  3. You guys have never made an single thing that would disappoint me! Proud of you Kanchita as well as Bidisha....
    I haven't actually read what you wrote but i did read the 1st para and absolutely loved the idea sooo all the best kanchii!

  4. Such a nice website.I like it.

  5. I'm very happy seeing Kanchita as well as Bidisha! In one frame trying to spread positiveness! I'm happy with time you are trying to change the perspective to look at things in a diff way kanchii!
    All the best, hope ur goal become trueeee

    1. Ayeeee...thank you gurlโค๏ธโค๏ธ

  6. Niceee ki likhiso bidi and kanchi!!!๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ

  7. All the best for a new start...hope your blog continues well !!๐Ÿค—

  8. I loved the way you two wrote your description .
    Hope to see more!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  9. Looking forward to your writings gurls โ—‡โ—‡

  10. Best wishes to both of you..

  11. Proud of you guys.. really am happy to see you both as something our society expected and needed..

    1. Thank you so much.... Hope we won't disappoint you

  12. Thik hi hain
    Tarif ke layak hi ho tum dono

    1. Ji ha bhaisaab hume pata hai!
      Aur apke quality time me se apne jo hume likha na, uske liye bhi hum shukraguzar hai!
      Thank you๐Ÿ’ž

  13. Hello Sisters!
    Kudos to your very profound writing at such a young age. I really liked the way you both are expressing your views. However, at the same time I would like to put forward my own perspective in this regard. It is very fascinating to have you both share your views on teenage life. This puts me questioning your experience of being a teenager. Right from your introduction I have been wondering whether two 14 years old girls who have just set their feet into teenage will be able to help the near adult teenagers. How fervently do you think u can solve their problems, since judging from your age I don't think you must have had enough experience in this regard?

    1. bidisha and kanchita.19 May 2020 at 09:05

      I like your comment. You are right, we are the young teenagers and we don't have enough experience but in some cases, experience doesn't matter, all we need is some knowledge and the ability to do so. If we take the example of depression or anxiety, yes, one of us has gone through it and the feeling was horrible. People think that young teenagers i.e 13-15 years of age don't have much problems in life. Yes, we agree. But, not all of them can agreed upon it. What about a 13 year old boy who has severe anxiety yet his parents have no clue on it? Or what about a child or a teen going through physical or mental abuse? We can take a lot of examples. But, as the editor of '' Just a little of EVERYTHING'' , our main focus is on teens because this is a period of lifespan where anything can effect their thinking or their brain if there is any disturbance. We have seen people like that and they have shared their feelings and experiences. And, believe us, hearing those experiences can make you cry.
      We even agree that we won't be able to help much but atleast we can motivate them. After entering the age of teenagers, a lot of things gets changed and due to this, anything can happen to them. We are young and there is still many things to experience and to learn, but this doesn't stop us to help those in need. Again, we still have a life to live till death, and in this period of time, we hope we could help a plenty of them. P.S Sometimes we don't have to be experienced to do anything. All we need is the ability to think. Hope you understand the main point in it. Thank you.


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