MIDNIGHT THOUGHTS #2 Those Demons Inside You💛

A SHORT NOTE TO YOU BEFORE YOU READ THIS: This is for making it better, not worse. We want to let some people, who are going through a hard time, know that there is still beauty in the darkness. Thank you.
11 Oct 2020. Some days it feels like everything is perfect and on other days, I feel like staying on my bed all day long. Somehow everything feels dull and colorless. Don't consider it as mood swings because deep inside me, I am having a war with my demons.
When I was young, I didn't believe in monsters or ghost. But, I realized that they exist and they live inside us. Sometimes, they even win against us.
There was a time when I didn't fight back and eventually I found myself loving them. And somehow, it led to toxic feelings. [Don't worry readers, I am all okay now:] Maybe I became too coward to face it as I have always been weak and sensitive.
That was my POV. What yours? I am a coward. I am aware of that. But you aren't. (not as much as me)
You wake up every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before and that, my love, is bravery. Yes, I am also aware that there is nothing more difficult to deal with than your soul. I wish we were given a choice...
It's hard. I know.
It hurts. Yes, it does.
You don't want to feel anything anymore. I know that too but, the bravest thing you can do is to continue your life when you don't want to.
Always remember, keep searching for colors when everything turns grey.
Ever seen a broken crayon? They are broken but, still, they show their colors. Conquer your demons and wear your scars like wings.
Take time, there's no hurry.
My opinions and bits of advice don't matter actually. It's you who know much about the current situation. I can just give you courage. You know what's good or bad for you.
Lastly, stay strong. You are not a problem.
A Blog By Bidisha~
I am personally apologizing for not uploading anything for a month. We had a lot of school work to complete and also there were exams. We had assignments and projects to do. Pretty loaded and messy. We could have announced about it but that thing never struck our minds because of all the things happening. Please don't hate us. Stay safe. I love you guys. 💕
Mails: patorbidisha12@gmail.com
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