What INDIAN Parents Don't Understand About This Generation


Dear readers, don't take this article offensive. Things that I have mentioned below are situations that are relatable to the teens and the young adults of this generation and situations that parents, not only Indians, don't understand easily. If a parent is reading this, keep in mind that your child still loves you.  ALSO, don't be scared to share this blog with your parents or relatives!


Without any further delay, let's get into the topic.

Don't you hate it when parents tell you things like: "Back in my dayā€¦"? As much as we love them, they frustrate us when they can't seem to see things the way we millennials do. Here are some things that they don't understand about our generation:

1)Our "addiction" to our phones

            "hate when your parents say you're always on your phone yeah so at least I'm not addicted to cocaine. 

                  ā€” Jerome Billingham (@Jeromebilll) May 11, 2016


They seem to have this notion that we're obsessed with our phones, and take every opportunity to fault the phone as though it stole our love away from our parents. We're not addicted; our phones are just more entertaining than almost everything else!

2) Modern-day abbreviations and 'nonsensical words'

wag, YOLO, on fleek, WTF, LOL, thot, rachet, dope, baeā€¦The list goes on, and so do their questions about the meaning of these words.

3) They think we're exaggerating about everything

"No, you don't have depression; you just need to pray more."

"Stop overreacting; just because you don't have likes on your post doesn't mean everyone hates you."

"No you're not bleeding profusely, that's such a small cut."

parents, generation gap, lame, don't understand, youths, phone addictions, trends

I don't have to explain to this because we have enough experience on this.

4) The materialist structure established in our minds thrives on spreading the belief that our selfā€worth is directly proportional to our products; the harder you work ā€“ the better you earn ā€“ the better you earn ā€“ the more successful you are. The cycle is endless and, honestly, extremely tiring. 

Weā€™ve all heard the stories. At least one of your parents or relatives mustā€™ve told you how they walked 10 kilometres just to get to school (or a similar variant of this format). Their struggles, their lives, their thoughts ā€“ they were simpler. Times were simpler and so was their aim of survival.

In the making of postā€war society, the primary goal is to build from the ground up.

Most of our parents lived a fairly middleā€class life with middle-class values and middle-class dreams of making it big. They seldom struggled with trying to find themselves because they were too busy building themselves up from scratch.

But weā€™re different.

While generations behind us looking for survival, we are on a quest to find an identity and if all else fails, to make one for ourselves.

       source-  livewire.livewire.in {read this article if you want to know what I mean}

5) Discussing Mental Health 

Indians perceive poor mental health as something to be ashamed of. 

Studies show that Indian parents think that mental health issues are shameful.

DEAR PARENTS, if you are reading this, please know that mental health is more important than those grades he/she gets in the exams. Let your child live the life he/she wants. Don't put too many responsibilities on their shoulders.


your child.

6) It's okay to marry a little late..... or not marry at all!

This is by far the toughest one to crack. The priority of every Indian parent after their children have grown is to find a perfect match and get them married. Indians across the world face this issue no matter how open their parents are. However, one should only get married as and when they feel like. 

7) And the last thing... not all our friends are ''friends''

This generation isn't friendly, people are selfish and so are their intentions. You know, fake.

BUT, that also doesn't mean all of them... some are real. 



There's a ton of things actually but, I am pretty sure no one will read it till the end. The above 7 things are the most common that's the reason why I chose them out of everything. Anyways, thanks for reading! LOVE YA and STAY SAFE!

A Blog By Bidisha~

Mails: patorbidisha12@gmail.com 


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Last week's blog by me: INSIDE the mind of an introvert 


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