MIDNIGHT THOUGHTS #6 Everything You Never Knew About Her
Everything about her is perfect and beautiful.
Perfect figure, perfect face. Beautiful smile too, isn't it?
And... perfect lies as well.
Oh! Did I forget to mention that she's dead? My bad. We don't have anything to do with what she did or said. Her secrets should be buried with her. But, people are too nosy which is why, in the end, all the things she never said got revealed:
The deepest pain she ever felt was denying her feelings to make everyone comfortable.
She needed a shoulder to cry all her emotions out.
Looking around herself, she found no one.
She wanted to talk.
Damn it. She wanted to scream, shout.
But all she could do was to lie, " I am fine, ain't I? "
She lost herself trying to please everyone else.
She never prioritized herself and that was the biggest mistake she ever made.
She had a happy personality with a heavy soul.
Sometimes it gets weird.
She helped others when it was she who needed it the most.
The world was cruel yet she forgave them.
Another huge mistake.
Too good for the world.
Too kind for the world.
Too sweet for the world.
Too pure for the world.
The world was vicious,
they knew how to hurt her.
And what about you -the rest of you- did you notice the scars you left behind?
Probably not.
Because most of them can't be seen with the naked eye.
Sad truth it is that she couldn't heal
because she kept pretending she wasn't hurt.
She is possibly smiling, enjoying her afterlife.
One thing was for sure,
she doesn't regret anything, not even a little.
It's a pity the world never treated her well.
It's more pitiful that they still don't care.
Blog by Bidisha~
Mails: patorbidisha12@gmail.com
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